Blog Hop On the Writing Process

Jeri Walker-Bickett,, A.K.Andrew,blog hopThanks so much to Jeri Walker-Bicket for inviting me to this Blog Hop on the Writing Process. She writes fantastic blog posts on all things writing, and has been a great source of inspiration for me as a blogger. Jeri Walker-Bickett (@JeriWB) writes short stories, creative nonfiction, and psychological suspense.The rough mining town she grew up in—with its mix of bars, churches, and whorehouses—populates her literary landscape. Food, travel, and photography also inspire her creativity.She lives in Idaho with her wonderful husband and their demanding pets. You can connect with her at where she pursues good writing in all its forms. Please explore her titles via Amazon. She also works as a freelance editor.Blog: JeriWB Author & Editor  Amazon Author Central:
Now it's my turn:
1) What am I working on?
I am currently working on the final edit of my novel Under the Bed. It's set in 1969 NYC.  Two women, a generation apart, each burdened by guilt regarding the death of a sibling, find their own lives in danger during the Vietnam era, when the older woman’s brush with McCarthyism emerges during their collaboration on her autobiography.English:
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Under the Bed  is different in that it deals with two distinct time periods as well as a two different voices. It's not that this hasn't been done before, but I think it manages to blend the two era's successfully by bringing the political issues of the day into a personal context.
3) Why do I write what I do?
I love to read about countries I've not visited, and/or time periods that I'm unfamiliar with. Although I knew some of the repercussions the anti-communist fervor of the Vietnam and McCarthy eras had for people, I was not fully aware of the true impact. As I said above, I think a novel really comes alive when you make the issues you want to talk about personal. No-one wants a history lesson. I touched on this in my post about Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie writing about the Biafran war in  Half of the Yellow Sun.  I would love to accomplish what she did in that book, and while my novel is very different from hers,  I look to her for inspiration.
4) How does your writing process work?
I like to settle on a place first, and then a time period. Characters and plot come next, the latter based to some extent on my research. This was particularly true in my first novel, Radio Echo,  set in Italy during the 1940's. I had no knowledge of what life was like for Jews in Italy during that period when I started the project, and the story evolved based on true facts, though the novel is very much a work of fiction.
I find  characters in a novel talk to me as the writing progresses. This was particularly true in Under the Bed.  I had a rough draft for a plot, but the novel is character driven, so I had to wait for the characters to get to know each other before I could see their dynamic, and ultimately their story.
I like to have word count goals for writing a first draft, and to get it down as quickly as possible. The shitty first draft    is an exciting part of the process as at that point anything and everything is possible. Once I have the first draft down, the editing can begin which in truth is the real work. All writing is rewriting, and fortunately I enjoy the editing process as well as the initial buzz of the first draft. If you don't enjoy the process, then why bother? Life's too short, and novels are way too long to not love what you're doing.

My Blog Hoppers

I'm very happy to introduce you to 3 other blog hoppers, so hop on over to their sites and see what they are up to. Each one will be telling you next week on Monday March 17th,  about their writing practise.

Doreen Pendgracs

Doreen Pendgracs,A.K>A>drew,, blog hopDoreen's intent is to educate, entertain and inspire writers and anyone interested in creative and cultural endeavours.If you're a chocolate lover and love to travel, you will enjoy Doreen's chocolate travel blog at If you’re interested in her latest book, Chocolatour: A Quest for the World's Best Chocolate, visit for updates about the book, and chocolate tours, tastings and events. In addition to non-fiction books, Doreen also writes magazine, newspaper, and online articles and blog posts about travel, lifestyle, chocolate, volunteerism, and other topics for various publications. You can read some of her published articles on the “Samples” page of her static website at
Doreen's previous title, Before You Say Yes ... A Guide to the Pleasures & Pitfalls of Volunteer Boards was released by Dundurn Press in 2010 and has been renowned as the “volunteer’s bible” as it was written to serve as the ultimate guide for anyone sitting on a board of directors in the non-profit sector. In addition to books and periodical assignments, Doreen has also done writing/editing projects for various corporate clients, and conducted writing and public speaking workshops for numerous writing and community groups. As a Distinguished Toastmaster, Doreen's speaking abilities have dazzled audiences on Celebrity Cruise Lines and in other forums.
Doreen loves making contact with readers and fellow writers and hopes you will enjoy perusing her wide variety of posts.

 Patricia Weber

Patricia Weber,A.K.Andrew,, blog hopAs Your Personal Energy Source, Patricia Weber supports and inspires introverts and baby boomers who want more energy and vitality to live life at full throttle.She is an internationally recognized expert on radio and in print as a Business Coach for Introverts. Coachville graduate, a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Certification and two-time award winner of Peninsula Women's Networker of the Year (only the second member in its 30 years to receive this award twice.)Featured in numerous publications such as Entrepreneur, Training, etc. she knows what it takes to be successful and happy being authentic to a baby boomer introvert style. She is having a blast bringing her many passions into living.If you are fed up with the often uncomfortable extrovert rules, if you are tired of being tired, be ready to be inspired. Follow her blog at  Featured in numerous publications such as Entrepreneur, Training, etc. her current book, Communication Toolkit for Introverts: Essential Skills for Everyday Business Success. is in it’s final editing with Impackt Publishing.  If you are fed up with the often uncomfortable extrovert rules, if you are tired of being tired, be ready to be inspired. Follow her blog at

Larry Crane

Larry Crane,A.K.Andrew,,blog hopTransplanted to Maine mid-westerner Larry Crane brings an Illinois sensibility to his writing. Larry graduated from West Point, served nearly seven years in the Army as an Infantryman in Germany and Vietnam. He commuted to Wall Street for nearly 20 years. His writing includes articles for outdoor magazines, plays, short and long fiction. His most recent thriller novel, A Bridge to Treachery, and Baghdad on the Wabash and Other Plays and Stories, a collection of short plays and stories, are listed for sale on Amazon. In his spare time, Crane is president and hobbyist videographer for his local Public Access Television Station and is a volunteer at his local historical society. Larry and wife Jan live on the coast of Maine.Larry's Links : Twitter     Webpage       Facebook      Goodreads      Google+      YouTube Trailer 


 If you're a writer, what is your process like? If a reader, what kinds of novels do you like?

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