How Can You Better Manage Change?


As Fall is finally upon us, I’ve been thinking recently about the change in seasons. When I lived in England, although I loved the Fall colors, I was always filled with dread at the thought of winter - bitterly cold days, getting dark at 4 pm and some days when it was so dull you have to keep the lights on all day.As I now live in Norther California, my sense of dread has lessened, but I was still reluctant to let go of the summer this year.Until last weekend.... when I went to a harvest fair at a local state park. I realized I was being stubborn and there is so much to love about all the seasons, wherever you are in the world.As I mentioned in my last blog post, I’m embarking on a new journey with producing a coloring book, and my novel writing has been taking a back seat. My thoughts on all of this is how to remain centered in the midst of change, whether it’s the seasons, one’s business, relationships, moving house, or changing artistic pursuits.My answer to better embrace change is really to embrace the now. Whatever the change is that's coming, it's probably going to happen irregardless. So why not take it on board, make the most of it and try not to get caught up looking in the rearview mirror.Writing like life, is fluid. When your characters don't behave the way you want, you can’t force them. So if you want to better manage change, without sounding to hippyish, then I say “Go with the flow”.Enjoy the Fall and whatever other changes are happening in your life. I hope we can all learn to embrace change a little bit more each time it happens. Life is now. And to me that’s the important piece that helps to keep me centered.

How well do you deal with change? Do you like change, or are you dragged there kicking and screaming?

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Many Thanks!

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