Kickstart Your #Flash Fiction With #PhotoFlash



Flash Fiction + Photo = Photoflash

Do you want to kickstart your flash fiction into high gear?  Using photos as inspiration for your flash fiction gives your writing the double whammy kick in the pants it might need. Writing short bursts of flash fiction can also jump-start your writing mojo and make your regular prose taut and clean.

How Do I Write PhotoFlash?

When you start, don't think too much about what your writing.  Consider it a free-write. Look at the photograph and just go with your intuition. Then you can peel off the layers until all you're left with are the essentials. Less is more.

Mirror lake,sonoma lake,a.k.andrew,,flash fiction,photoflash,photography

"Did my actions mirror my thoughts? I had the intention, but the boundaries were so unclear I pushed them to the point of invisibility. She put up her hand to stop me from speaking and walked away before I could finish my excuse."

How Long is Flash Fiction?

Definitely 1000 words or less, others say anything under 150 words. Sometimes as little as six words can tell a story. The most famous, and arguably the first six word story was by Hemingway.

"For sale: baby shoes, never worn"

In recent years flash fiction has become a recognized and well respected form of the written word.Jon Jefferson regularly writes excellent flash fiction on his site under the category Quick Beats. There are also loads of six word stories on Another source if you want prompts, is from IndiesUnlimited. They give a weekly flash fiction prompt, along with other great resources  for indie writers. Also check out


Can you add a line or two of flash fiction to this photograph? What does the image make you think of?

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Many Thanks!

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