7 Secrets of One Lovely Blogger

I have the wonderful Jeri Walker-Bickett to thank for  receiving the One Lovely Blogger Award. If you haven’t already checked out her blog, please do so. JeriWB:What Do I Know?. It’s a fabulous combination of all things reading and writing, from interviews , book reviews and writing tips.Some bloggers complain about these awards, but  I enjoy them -  it’s a way for people to share a little about themselves and as a blog reader I like to know who I’m reading.So here are the rules:1.Thank the person who gave you the honor - Mille Grazie Jeri!!2. Add the Lovely Blogger Award image to the post - Voila!

One Lovely Blogger Award

 3. Share seven things about yourself - OK I've called them secrets...4. Pass the award onto seven nominees.5. Include this set of rules.6. Inform your nominees maybe by posting a comment on their blogs.So here we go:-

7  Secrets of One Lovely Blogger

#1. I don’t write Every Day

This is a real confession, though it’s a habit I am trying to change. Writing even a few words is better than doing nothing at all. Particularly when I’m working on a novel, I find if I do as little as editing one line, then it keeps me in touch with the project, the characters and the plot.

#2. Age doesn’t bring Wisdom.

I’m turning 60 this year!!! How did that happen? In my mind I’m 28. Then I look in the mirror. So wisdom? No. If you’re lucky, age brings a lovely set of mistakes to learn from - that is if you’ve not become too stubborn or think you have nothing left to learn. Age also brings wrinkles and aches and pains, but usually means you don't draw the attention of unwelcome single men when you’re traveling. When I was in my 20’s,  I was hitchhiking in France with a girlfriend. On our way out of a small town, the car that picked us up had fake fur on the dashboard - our first clue that we shouldn't have taken the ride. A few miles  later, the driver started groping us both while he was driving! Then he pulled over in the middle of nowhere  and stopped the car. I immediately snatched the keys out of the ignition, which I’d seen someone do in a film. We’d stupidly put our back-packs in the trunk, but he was so floored by my action, he opened the trunk so we could grab our stuff, then after much cursing and gesticulating, he drove off. Phew. All very scary at the time, but I laugh about it now.

#3. Shakespeare Eludes Me

If I’m honest Shakespeare still eludes me. As a writer, how embarrassing is that? I studied him in school of course, and saw several of his plays, but none of it grabbed me. Perhaps if I did a course now, I would appreciate his work more. That said, when I saw a modern interpretation of Macbeth a couple of years ago I really enjoyed it.English: banner Shakespeare#4. I’m a BoxerOr you could say I’m a bag lady. I love to put things in boxes, bags, tins... I’ve been told it’s my desire to organize or compartmentalize, but I think it’s just a fetish.

#5.  Tap dancer Extraordinaire

Annex - Rogers, Ginger (Shall We Dance)_01In my mid twenties I was in the Hackney Hot Taps, a tap troupe taught by the lovely Trudy Howson, who I had the pleasure of running into recently after 30+ years! We wore either dresses from the 40’s - you could still buy them from Charity shops then - or top hats and tails. I usually preferred the latter. I absolutely loved the whole thing. So much fun to dance with a group of people, learn the choreography etc. And performing really was a great buzz. If it wasn’t for my auto-immune condition which affects my joints, I would tap now. My sister joined a class recently and she’s 67!

#6. Pilates Rules

I started a pilates class last year and I’m totally hooked. It’s very much a beginner class, for people with back problems. But it’s so relaxing and has improved my flexibility no end. Of course like all exercise, it’s use it or lose it. But at least it’s something I can easily do at home.

#7. Be Who You Are

I only have one breast, so watch out Boudica - you’re not the only Amazon. I had a mastectomy in 2005, but I was SO lucky - no spread, no chemo or radiotherapy. And I’m still cancer free. I used to hate wearing tight clothes as I looked so lopsided, but now it doesn’t bother me. Be who you are, even if it isn’t always easy.A.K.Andrew in Lucca, ItalyNow it's my turn for nominations, and I've spread the love by nominating those who I haven't done before for an award. Hop on over to check out these great sites and congratulate the new nominees.Khara House  Poet and creative writerAdele Symonds  Book Reviews and more.Phyllis Zimbler  Author of CIA Fall Guy: A Spy Thriller  amongst others.Krystyna Lagowski Great blog for all you car lovers.Larry Crane  Author of A Bridge to Treachery. Blogs about writing, pop culture, military service, and life in Maine.Jennie Orbell. Author of Starfish and other contemporary fiction.Amy Riley Brighton Writer Come join the discussion. Please leave your comments or share on your favorite social media.

Many Thanks!

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