Arts & Architecture

Want to Change The Use of Space in Your Home?

 How do you use your home?Is it somewhere you dash in and out of between work, or a place you like to spend as much time as possible?  I was attracted to this film of the Eames house after watching the London Olympics opening ceremony where the house in the center of the  stadium was used for a montage of British music. It made sense, as the home is where so much happens when we're growing up. But how we use our homes has changed in recent decades. For myself, I no longer go out to work and spend a lot of time at home. I write at home, though I also write in a notebook in odd places outside, whether catching snippets of an idea or small sections of a scene.httpv:// and WorkMany people now use at least part of where they live as a home office. They might even run a business from their home. For most of us that means being creative. Can you use a cupboard or an alcove for your computer? Are grown up children willing to share a painting studio when they come and visit? Rooms in houses do not need to be static. Most of us don't have the freedom of space the Eames had, but when did you last try and think how to rearrange your living space to satisfy your current needs?I loved the fact that the Eames used the house to work as well as live. Their passion was clearly integral in their lives. What struck me about this film is the exploration of beauty in small things - a leaf, a chair spindle, a flower -  as well as the modern design of the Eames. We see the change of the seasons, a symbol of the changes of life itself. Sometimes change can mean small touches that make all the difference.The Eames House, built in 1949, is a landmark of mid 20th century architecture. It was designed by the husband and wife design pioneers Charles and Ray Eames.  It's construction was part of a project launched by Arts & Architecture Magazine in response to the need for housing following WWII.If you don't watch the whole film, dip in and out at the amazingly beautiful images. I particularly loved the way they invite the outside nature inside with the shadows of the trees. The beautiful play of shadows is prevalent throughout the film.How has the use in your home changed?  What "use of  space" changes would you like to make in the future? of the house and it's design: by:    

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