Dust Bowl

#Muse Media: The Past and #John Steinbeck

 Muse Media

Muse Media looks for our muse by mixing prose with other media, in this case by looking at the past with John Steinbeck.  The Woody Guthrie video 'Talking Dust Bowl Blues' is quintessential Guthrie.



“How can we live without our lives? How will we know it's us without our past?”

 John Steinbeck from "Grapes of Wrath"


Woody Guthrie's song gives us an idea of one family's hard times during the same era of Grapes of Wrath. I like the line at the end which speaks of how his wife had made some potato stew so thin you could read a magazine through it. "If it a been a little thinner some of those politicians could have seen through it." John Steinbeck's seminal work brings up a number of social issues.  This particular quotes asks the question of us as individuals.


In what way does the past affect your present life? 

How do you include events from the past in your work, or do you deliberately avoid them?


John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr. (February 27, 1902 – December 20, 1968) was an American writer. He is widely known for the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath (1939) and East of Eden (1952) and the novella Of Mice and Men (1937). As the author of twenty-seven books, including sixteen novels, six non-fiction books and five collections of short stories, Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962.

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http://akandrew.com/writing-like-steinbeck/ http://jeriwb.com/the-authors-craft-bonding-with-the-joads-literary-criticism-3595/