Sunshine Award

Receiving a Sunshine Award for Blogging

selosunshineawardQuite out of the blue last week, I had an email from the writer and fellow blogger  Hemmie Martin,  to tell me she had awarded me the Sunshine Award . Thank you so much Hemmie - what a thrill and an honor! Hemmie is an author of Contemporary Women’s fiction, published by Winter Goose Publishing. The Divine Pumpkin is available, and Hemmie’s second novel is due out in February 2013.“The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.” The way the award works is this: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award!” 1. Favourite Time of the Year? Spring.After the long slog of winter, when bright green buds start inching their way forward, it’s as if the world is renewed and anything is possible.2.Favorite Festive movie? It’s A Wonderful Life. I love the schmaltzy moments along with films idea that your life actually does have meaning, even in it’s small details. It’s always on during the holidays, so it’s easy to pick up the plot anywhere. The quote where Clarence, the angel says:- “Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel’s just got his wings”, was renewed for me after a ‘Roseanne’ episode where she said  “Everytime two lesbians kiss, an angel gets her wings.” It’s good to have modern twist on the classics!

It's a Wonderful Life - A Familiar House

3.What is your Passion? What else but writing and painting?4. Favorite Color?Yellow5. Favorite time of the Day? The morning. I have the most energy at that time of day and love the early morning light. Except of course for those grey, drizzly mornings that are an English specialty. Then I have a good excuse for staying home to write!6. Favorite flower?The tulip. Even when tulips droop they’re beautiful. 7. Favourite Non-Alcoholic Beverage Ginger beer. It’s fantastic there are great companies making ‘proper’ ginger beer with a nice bite these days, rather than the watery stuff in a can. (It goes very well with vodka BTW  – then it’s called a Moscow Mule…)8. Favorite Physical Activity? I used to love cycling, but unfortunately can’t do that now. At the moment, a back care Pilates class is my favorite physical activity. Even if I go feeling tired and stiff, I always come away feeling rejuvenated and more flexible.9.Favorite Vacation? My first trip to Venice. My partner and I went during Carnivale  a number of  years ago for our tenth anniversary, and it was magical. Stunning scenery, fabulous food, artwork everywhere, breathtaking costumes and the light indescribably beautiful. We walked for hours, got endlessly lost, listened to a quartet play Vivaldi in the church he’d frequented, drifted down tiny canals in a gondola past crumbling palazzi and went to see glass being blown in Murano. Sharing all this with my favorite person in the whole world was more than I could have ever hoped for.

 Here are my nominees for the Sunshine Award:

Bindurani Saju

Jeri Walker-Bickett

Laura Darling

Cheryl Therrien

Leora Wenger

Tasha Turner

Tope Olofin

Lubna Kably

Rebecca Thompson


Go check out their blogs and see what they are up to!

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