Toni Morrison

#Toni Morrison on Hope in #Beloved: #Muse media

This Musemedia post concerns a Toni Morrison quote from Beloved  regarding hope. The video is an interview excerpt of Toni Morrison talking about the process of writing Beloved and the language she used.  Musemedia helps us look for our muse by  mixing media.


"Making them think the next sunrise would be worth it; that another stroke of time would do it at last." - Toni Morrison, Beloved

Toni Morrison's Beloved is my favorite novel of the 20th Century. It's subject matter  is so powerful and so painful that her prose hardly dares to speak it. She uses her unique poetic style to skirt, to dangle emotions so close we can touch them, and yet she refrains from spelling things out. As she notes in the recording above, a climactic event in the novel is almost buried in the rest of the text. The prose has an unsurpassed richness that cries out  for more than one reading. In this particular quote she references hope, but with a fatalistic edge; a reluctance to believe it will be worth the effort.

Hope is what keeps us going in life. It gets us out of bed in the morning, to see another sunrise. And it's what helps us through times of difficulty.

Where does your hope come from? Is it from wanting to see an aspect of physical beauty in the world, such as an amazing sunrise? Does it center around people? Or does it come from broader issues for us as a society? 

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