agent pitch sessions

Tips for Pitching to Literary Agents at a Writers’ Conference

I'm thrilled to have Jeri Walker-Bickett as my guest blogger today. She's given us an incredibly informative post on pitching to literary agents.Welcome Jeri!Attending a live pitching session shows agents a devotion to craft and a higher likelihood that the writer can deliver a polished manuscript. Submitting a written query may be less daunting, but a face-to-face meeting increases the chance of getting noticed. These tips for pitching to literary agents will help prepare you for a successful encounter.Even if you are pursuing less traditional paths to publication, any time spent clarifying the core essence of your work can only be a good thing. No writer writes alone, and as entrepreneurs, writers need to be able to sell themselves in all mediums. In the big picture, the costs of attending conferences and paying for editorial services are small prices to pay to ensure your work is top-notch.Agent panel,JeriWB,Pitching an agent,

#1 Completing the Manuscript

A million great book ideas exist, but bringing a concept to fruition has killed many drafts. An agent is looking for work to acquire for representation now. That being said, I’ve pitched my work in progress two summers straight in the name of practice. When you’re finally ready to submit, make sure the manuscript has also undergone revisions.

#2 Doing Homework

Conferences often list the agents who will be attending months in advance. Research each agency and follow their blogs and social media sites. At the very least, attend the agent panel at the conference where they will briefly state the types of books they are looking for.

 #3 Preparing Materials

This includes not only your pitch, but also a logline, query letter, and synopsis. If you don’t know the difference make sure to utilize the almighty Google to get informed. If writing nonfiction, a proposal is most likely in order as well. It’s also a good idea to have your social media stats available in case an agent is curious about your platform building efforts.Pitching Line,,pitching an agent.

#4 Perfecting the Pitch

Tons of advice exists for how to write a great pitch. I’ve gravitated toward the Place, Person, Pivot model (   described by literary agent Katharine Sands. Make sure you know comparable titles as well.

#5 Practicing Delivery

It’s not uncommon for conferences to offer rooms for writers to practice with each other. I like to practice by filming myself using my iPhone camera. No matter how much I think I have my pitch memorized, bringing along a half-sheet of paper to the session helps keep me focused.

#6 Looking the Part

Aim for business casual. Even though my favorite garb may be T-shirts and jeans, a grubby shirt from my Broadway musical collection isn’t likely to make a great first impression.

#7 Conquering the Session

Make eye contact, shake hands, introduce yourself. Dive in! Nerves serve the purpose of keeping us on our toes. A pitch session of three or four minutes will fly by, but if the session is longer, feel free to use the time to ask the agent to critique your query letter or answer a publishing question or two. Remember that agents are people too, plus it’s their life’s work to find the right stories for the market they represent.Agent business cards,,Pitching an agent#8: Line-Waiting StrategiesDo the math as you wait in line. If five people are in front of you and the sessions last four minutes each, that’s twenty minutes of standing in line. When the final bell sounds, if your current line is too long take that chance and pitch to an unlikely agent with a shorter line.

#9: Submitting Materials

If an agent is interested they will make a request and hand you a business cards. You should not hand any materials to them. The sooner the requested information can be submitted, the better. If querying more than a year later, try to see if it’s possible to re-connect with the agent at another conference before submitting. Emailed queries should indicate the conference name and year in the subject line. Also, don’t submit to more than one agent per agency.

#10: Gauging Interest

Not all agents will request material, and many will offer sound reasons why. If an agent merely says feel free to query according to the steps listed on their site, this might be their way of avoiding saying they’re not interested. Do they request ten, twenty-five, or fifty pages? What about the full manuscript? No matter what, don’t give up.The more effort a writer puts into finding the right audience, the greater the likelihood for success.Have you ever attended a pitching session? Feel free to ask more questions or offer points of your own in the comments,JeriWalker-BickettJeri Walker-Bickett (@JeriWB) writes short stories, creative nonfiction, and psychological suspense. The rough mining town she grew up in—with its mix of bars, churches, and whorehouses—populates her literary landscape. Food, travel, and photography also inspire her creativity. She lives in Idaho with her wonderful husband and their demanding pets. You can connect with her at where she blogs about writing tips, lit chat, and more. Please explore her titles via Amazon. She also works as a freelance editor.Blog: JeriWB Author & Editor Author Central: