coloring books

Time for a Change Can be a New Opportunity

The New Year is a good time to reassess our priorities. I've decided it's now time for me to make a change and I'm going to stop writing this blog. Today is my last post!I've come to a point where I feel I really need to focus my energy on finishing the final edit of my novel, as well as spending more time on my artwork. As you know, I recently released The Creative Zone, an adult #coloring book. Designing the artwork and the book itself was an enjoyable challenge and made me realize how important the visual arts are to me.I've often hailed the virtues of creativity and for me, the creative process is where I feel I need to steer my energy.

New Opportunity, Last Post

Page from The Creative Zone by Kathy Andrew

Page from The Creative Zone by Kathy Andrew

Thank you

I've loved writing this blog. It's developed my skills as a non-fiction writer and I've learned so much from the research I've done over the past four years. In thinking of making this change, the most important thing is to thank all my readers and especially those who've taken the time over and over again to join in the discussions.The most enjoyable part of my blog has been hearing other people's thoughts. [tweetthis]Online interaction bet. people from disparate backgrounds & interests is invaluable as a #writer.[/tweetthis]I've also been incredibly fortunate in finding my blogging tribe in Bloggers Helping Bloggers through LinkedIn. What an incredible group of people!! Not only do I feel I've made lifelong online friends, but the level of openness and support has been amazing. While I can't name everyone, I'd like to make a special mention to Jeri Walker, Susan Cooper, Leora Wenger, Doreen Pendgracs, Sherryl Perry, Jon Jefferson, Patricia Weber, Jeanette Palladino, &  Catarina Alexon.

Thanks to all of you for your unfailing support and friendship.

A.K. Andrew, Fort Point, Golden Gate Bridge,,a writers notebook

A.K. Andrew, Fort Point, Golden Gate Bridge

 Where to Find Me?

So how can we keep in touch? While I'll keep this website, I am active on my Facebook Author page  (I'd love it if you would "like" either page), on Pinterest and Instagram. And of course I'm on Twitter. You may have already noticed that my twitter feed now includes  visual art as well as writing related tweets. And for those of you who have only known me as A.K., I am using my full name Kathy for anything associated with my artwork.I will drop in when I can to your blogs, retweet your posts and I hope we can continue to connect and learn from each other. Wishing you all a fabulously creative year.

Arrivederci,  A.K. Andrew

A.K. Andrew

A.K. Andrew

What changes are you planning for the coming year? Have any of them come as a surprise? What new opportunities can you see on the horizon?

Come join the discussion and share with your favorite social media. Connect with A.K.(Kathy) Andrew:

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